We're looking forward to meeting you — you're already family When you get here, make sure to stop by the Church Center in the lobby. Our team wants to meet you and give you a VIP gift as a way of saying thank you for coming!


9AM & 11AM


  • Typically, our Sunday morning service begin with congregational worship music led by our team of musicians and singers followed by a message from our lead pastor.

    The service will usually conclude with a response time during which the pastor invites people to respond to a call for salvation or healing or to a challenge to grow in the faith. The service usually lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • The best place to park is the east parking lot that can be accessed from the Roybler Middle School entrance. When you enter the campus - follow the orange flags and directional signs to park closest to our main entrance.

    We do have handicapped spaces marked with cones against the curb for closer access to the building.

  • Our main entrance is the primary school entrance on the south side of the building marked with a “1” on the doors. Follow the awning from the parking lot and the directional signs which will guide you to this entrance. These doors will take you to our main lobby and our kids check-in area.


Discovery Kids is designed to provide Kids with learning experiences, development opportunities, and thoughtful interaction designed for growing and equipping champions in Christ. We offer a safe, caring environment, secure check-in, and well-trained staff to guide your kids in their relationship with God. It is our goal to help kids grow.

If you are planning to attend for the first time, click the button below to pre-register your kids online!